Saturday, October 3, 2015

New App "Peeple" Says It Will Let Users Rate the Quality of People

Now you can rate people personally, professionally, and romantically.

Imagine an app that combines the networking abilities of LinkedIn, the personal information of Facebook, the hookup potential of Tinder, and the rating power of Lulu.

Peeple, a new app expected to debut in November 2015, intends to provide just that.

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The app, which has been dubbed “the Yelp for people,” allows users to rate their peers based on aspects of their personal, professional, and romantic lives.  In order to join, you must be of age (21+), have a Facebook account and a working cellphone.

“Our mission is to find the good in you,” their website states.

The app’s creators, Julia Cordray and Nicole McCollough, believe that the app will “enhance your online reputation for access to better quality network, top job opportunities, and promote more informed decision making about people.”

Although Cordray and McCullough claim that the experience is intended to be positive, many have expressed skepticism over the app’s structure.

Peeple’s rating system consists of 1 to 5 stars (with 5 being the most favorable) and also lets users leave comments. Reviews cannot be made anonymously and comments deemed “inaccurate” can be flagged for removal.

Any rating less than two stars is considered "negative," and users have two days to confront a bad review for alteration before it goes live on their profile. A comment made about you can’t be deleted unless it violates Peeple’s terms and conditions.

Perhaps the most questionable feature of the app is that a Peeple profile can be built for you without your permission, as long as the builder has your name, phone number, and a profile picture. In this case, you will be notified via text message that said person opened a profile for you.

You can’t opt out or remove yourself from the app, however, unless you violate Peeple's terms and conditions to the point they choose to remove and block you from further use.

While Peeple’s Facebook status updates report positive feedback they’ve gotten, the comments section tells a different story. The app company has received backlash from the public about invasion of privacy and objectification of its users. (Maybe that's not such a great omen for an app built around public commentary on every aspect of one's life.)

Only time will tell if the “reference check” app will reach its estimated worth of over $7 million.

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