Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Getting Back on Track After a Break

Taking a break isn't so terrible. It't the getting back on track that can sometimes be tough.
Two days off from exercise can become two weeks and before you know it, you don't even remember where your tennis shoes are.

So if you have slipped into some lazy summer habits or let yourself off the hook day after day, whatever the reason, you still can recover momentum after a break.

Here is my top ten ways to do it:
Accountability. Start making yourself aware of all your fitness and dietary habits by tracking them. A few great internet options are or Lose It! App for smart phones. They are both thorough and quick and sobering as well as addictive! Also research has proven again and again that people who track their eating are the biggest losers, literally.

Organize Your Morning the night before. Prepare everything the night before. Lay out your workout gear and pack your gym bag. Plan your meals and if possible, have them prepped and waiting for you.

Eat earlier. Make your biggest meals early in the day. This will prevent you from pigging out at night and helps your metabolism burn those calories before hitting the hay.

Clear out the Crap. Why test your will power unnecessarily? If there is leftover pizza and that is your weakness, throw it out. Half a sleeve of girl scout cookies? Ditch them. Don't think, just pitch it. I used to have a girlfriend who would eat her fill of her restaurant dinner and as soon as she felt slightly full, she would pour pepper all over the remaining food on her plate. Crazy, but effective to prevent overeating.

Find A Workout Buddy. Even if it is your dog, commit to finding someone who is waiting for you at a preplanned time. If this doesn't work, Hire a personal trainer. There's nothing more motivating to get you out of bed than someone ringing your doorbell. And you losing money if you don't answer.

Set Goals. Pick a big event in your near future, a reunion or a birthday and set a weight loss goal. Or pick a road race and start training for it.

Stay Psyched. If you find yourself losing interest in staying on track, reward yourself with a massage or a new pair of running shoes.New lycra has magical powers that wear off after three washes.

Close the Kitchen. Pick a time where the kitchen is off limits. Turn out the lights, make a family service announcement: The Kitchen Is Now Closed. If you can do this for one week you will notice that night-time eating is a habit that will recede.

Aim for Daily Exercise. Of course there will be days where you miss it, but if you aim for it every day and put it on your calendar you will at least end up with a solid four or five days of movement.

Give up the Booze. Getting on the wagon is the quickest way to lose the bloat. Not only will you save the extra calories,your willpower will be stronger to resist forbidden foods and your hunger will be more moderate.

Little things you do -- or don't do -- today will pile up. Small lifestyle decisions right now can affect whether or not you get whomped on the head with a dire diagnosis in two decades. It's time to find the tennis shoes.

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